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Пора учить английский

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Да, Зайцев именно тот, который кубики изобрел. Он и для английского кубики придумал, отдельно - для грамматики. Мне пока нравится. У меня видеокассета, где Зайцев рассказывает о своей методике и показывает пособия, самих кубиков и таблиц у меня нет. Суть в том, что он отдельно подробно разбирает все то, что в английском часто повторяется и потом играет с составлением предложений, даже не зная слов. Приятно еще то, что он очень логично материал выстраивает, с русским сопоставляет или объясняет почему в английском что-то есть такое, чего в русском нет. Но я еще не до конца его дослушала, так что рано вывод делать.

И про скорость чтения. Мне давно как-то попадалась книжка, где как раз задумано было тренировать скорость чтения на английском. Предлагалось примерно так делать: вначале читаешь текст как можно быстрее и пытаешься понять. После этого отвечаешь на вопросы. Потом возвращаешься к тексту, перечитываешь, разбираешь со словарем, учишь новые слова. И после еще несколько раз читаешь быстро текст целиком. И так с каждым текстом. Там еще надо было время от времени проверять скорость чтения - она реально повышается, особенно если читать не по тексту раз в месяц, а каждый день. Ну, и когда месяцы не касаешься английского совсем, забывается все. (

Отредактировано ХатулЯ (2006-09-22 15:19:45)



Хорошо, если Зайцев и испанский так же разобрал. )) У меня лет с 10 мечта говорить по-испански. Помню, услышала речь по телевизору и влюбилась. ) Вот Софка подрастет - может быть рискнем поучить. Она меня поучит. ))



Хорошо, если Зайцев и испанский так же разобрал. )) У меня лет с 10 мечта говорить по-испански. Помню, услышала речь по телевизору и влюбилась. ) Вот Софка подрастет - может быть рискнем поучить. Она меня поучит. ))

Ну, если поедете в Штаты, то там испанский прям как второй государственный - так что сам собой выучите. В школах и универах - самый ходовой.

Боюсь запускать сегодня сканнер - Шура очень чутко стала спать, так что скидываю текст и пр. из своих старых запасов. Завтра постараюсь другой вывесить.
Good luck!


sweetheart                                                    sweetcakes
darling                                                           sweetie
darlin’                                                            honey
snookums                                                     dear
cuddle-lumps                                                muffin
angel                                                             pun’kin
cutie                                                              love
kitten                                                             babe
lovey-dovey                                                  bunny
cookie                                                          sugar
younger                                                        killer
tiger                                                              sweetums



Nearly all Americans have a family somewhere, but it’s often far from evident. The lack of strong family ties is one thing that strikes nearly all visitors to America.
When an American speaks of “his family” he probably means his immediate, nuclear family: the group that lives together in one household B father, mother, and children. The larger family B the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins B are often far away. Or even if nearby, they can be a small presence in each other’s lives, visiting back and forth very little.
There are plenty of exceptions to this configuration: large families that have lived for generations in one town and gather together in all their spare moments. But in the large cities, each small family is more often floating free of the hometown connections. And to a much greater degree than in many countries, individual members of the family carry on a social life apart from the others.
If you make American friends, you may know them for a long time before meeting their families. Various members of the family with different interests expect to have different friends. Perhaps two couples socialize together, but instead the wives may lunch together or the husbands play golf, and the children never meet. Nonetheless, the family remains the entity we fall back on. Holidays, weddings, and funerals bring the family together, and in times of trouble we turn to our families. But the trail of obligation runs only between parents and children. Few people feel much sense of duty to members of the extended family.
The couple has to find each other, and it isn=t always easy. Nearly all marriages are of two people who fall in love, but the great complaint of young B and middle-aged B people is that it is hard to meet other Asingles.@ College is a golden opportunity, but after college there are fewer meeting points. Without a community life, it is perfectly possible for young working people to simply not meet other marriageable people. If their workplace does not produce candidates, their main hope is parties (not so good for shy people), pickup bars (not so good for respectable people), and coincidence (trains, parks, etc.)

This very real problem has produced entire sections of newspapers and magazines full of personal advertisements in which AGood-humored 36-yeqr-old male seeks slender, sports-loving female, aged 25-35, who enjoys sunset walks, romantic dining, and movies. No smokers. Serious commitments wanted.@
Once joined, an American couple expect to be happily married, and to a large degree, they are. The obvious reason for this is the prevalence of divorce. If a couple gets along badly, they do not feel they must spend the rest of their lives together. This was not always so; to have Afailed at marriage@ was a social stigma thirty years ago, and for this and other reasons more of the unhappily married stayed married. Since then, the American divorce rate has tripled.
The American idea of a well-matched couple is one which always presents a united front to the world. Each member of the couple should be highly supportive of the other. They are expected to share a number of interests and activities and should spend vacations and weekend evenings together.
In the last twenty years, society has ceased to frown on sexual relations between unmarried adults, and many couples live together without getting married. A minority continue to live together indefinitely without marriage, but most of these arrangements conclude either at the altar (i.e., in marriage) or in dissolution. Most people still want their children to have properly married parents.
The division of housework poses a problem in many American households. Before the Women=s Liberation movement, women did nearly all of it while men were expected to take care of the outdoor work B despite the almost total lack of outdoor work in urban households. Now that so many women have jobs, most people agree that housework should be shared. However, old habits die hard. In actual fact, the women still do nearly all the housework and childcare, although in younger couples the men contribute more than their fathers did.

In the last twenty years, men have become involved in childbirth, and it is now normal for the father to be present in the delivery room, which has become a more humane place than it used to be. Most people aspire to natural childbirth (that is, with as few drugs as possible), although births still usually take place in hospitals, in case of complications.
Professional couples often put off having children until they are in their thirties or even forties and then generally feel that one or two children are enough. The long-awaited baby is much doted on and causes a drastic change in its parents= lives. The new parents who formerly went out to dinner nearly every night and saw every new movie stay home and talk baby talk.
For economy, young people may live at home during college years, but for many the college is a long way from home. Those who have finished their schooling may find apartments of their own, often shared with other young people. The fact that their new housing may be far less luxurious that their parents= home is unimportant compared to gaining adult status.
Their careers B or the appeal of a more glittering city B may cause many to move to another city or state, the start of an odyssey that may keep them forevermore at a distance from the family, although they will visit on holidays. Once they have left home and are self-supporting, parents no longer feel responsible for them.
Parents are unlikely to make major sacrifices for their children after providing an education. Our confidence in the American way is such that we believe the deserving can and will succeed, without family interference. And because success is defined by achievement, not by family status, parents fear to inhibit the young person=s efforts by Ahanding it to them on a silver platter.@



American cuisine in itself is not bad. Our cooks have an abundance of fresh ingredients and a heritage of marvelous regional dishes: apple pie, clam chowder, Louisiana gumbo, barbecued oysters, corn fritters, strawberry shortcake, and countless other delectable dishes. As many guidebooks lamely say, it is possible to eat very well in America.
It is also to eat very badly, and many Americans do – by choice rather than necessity. A lot of supermarket food, while cheap and plentiful, is produced to provide the most calories with the longest shelf life and the shortest preparation time. The result is frozen dinners, packaged sweets, instant puddings, bottled salad dressings, and canned sauces. Manufacturers are working night and day to invent new products that will captivate the public. Almost any conceivable meal is available ready-made.
The problem is that none of this stuff is very good. It supplies calories, but in real satisfaction it doesn’t measure up to anything fresh or homecooked. Even fruits and vegetables are raised to survive long shipping or storage periods, rather than taste. Meats are tender and good, but very fatty and distressingly laden with hormones and antibiotics. Also most supermarket food is wrapped, canned, frozen, jarred, or packaged in such a way that you can’t examine it until you get it home. (Many are so well sealed that they’re maddeningly difficult to open even at home.) If you try to open jars or poke into packages, management will be distressed.
A Tanzanian said he found American food so bland he nearly starved when he first came. “Back then, I couldn’t even find a bottle of Tabasco [a hot sauce] in my little town.” Then he discovered pizza and survived. The American palate has become braver than it used to be, but in the average household you won’t find much seasoning in use beyond salt and pepper.
And sugar. There seems to be no end to the march on sweetness. Americans are stuck on sugar, and sugar (or other sweeteners) is added to most packaged food. It’s hard to find a snack that isn’t sweet, and a number of main course dishes are served with a sweetener – such as pancakes with maple syrup and lamb with mint jelly. American pastries are very sweet, and Americans eat sweet desserts much more regularly than most people.
A lot of sodium (an element in salt) is regularly added to packaged foods, which has caused such an outcry among doctors (too much is said to be bad for the heart) that new lines of food are coming out advertising themselves as “sodium-free.” There are also a lot of sugar-free foods, but you have to read labels carefully to make sure you aren’t just getting honey or corn syrup or an awful-tasting artificial sweetener.
The first two meals of the day eaten by an American are generally quick. The classic American breakfast of bacon and eggs is seen more at weekends than when the whole family is rushing to school and work. Cereal with milk and a cup of coffee is probably the usual morning sustenance of the average American. Lunch consists of a sandwich, soup or salad. Dinner is the large meal of the day.
The American dinner has fallen under medical disapproval due to its high cholesterol content. The meal typically consists of a large piece of meat, ketchup, vegetables with butter, potatoes (fried or with butter), and a sweet dessert. It might also be an equally fatty frozen meal, heated in the microwave oven, or a high-calorie pizza.
A large proportion of Americans report that they would like to change their diets, but habits are hard to break. The beans, vegetables, and whole grains that doctors keep urging us to eat require time to cook, which we haven’t got. Take-out Chinese food may be as close as many Americans get to low-calorie, low-cholesterol meals.
Fast food establishments, such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell purvey their specialties from coast to coast. Few urban areas are so small as not to be ringed with a few of them.
Each item, which you step up to a counter to order is mass-produced according to an exact prescription. The menu, often illustrated, is permanently displayed above the counter. No alcohol is served. Your food comes with an almost equal weight of plastic and paper serving containers and cutlery, which are you expected to throw into the trash when you’re finished. You should specify if you want you order to take out.
Fast food restaurants appeal greatly to juvenile tastes. The notorious plastic taste of much of the food offends gourmets, but these places do have the advantage of being clean and extremely cheap. No tipping is expected.
This is an amorphous category, so-called because you can bring the kiddies, usually meaning a) the place is fairly casual; B) the bar, if any, is out of sight; c) a high chair is available for the baby; and d) the food is of the familiar American kind – chops, steaks, fried fish, salads, and potatoes. Many family restaurants are Italian, and pizza and spaghetti now seem as American as apple pie.
On entering, you should wait to be seated. No matter how crowded the restaurant is, you won’t be asked to share a table with another party, even if you are alone.
You’ll probably get a basket of bread and a glass of water without asking. Menus are frequently large and elaborate, describing the food in superlatives (“cooked-to-perfection chicken breasts in mouthwatering cream sauce with garden-fresh vegetables”), but you should ignore the adjectives and try to figure out what the dish is.
You may have a choice of ordering a dinner or a la carte. If you order a la carte, you will be paying separately for the various components of your meal, such as the salad and dessert. The dinner, which costs more, includes the extra courses. Read the small print to find out what comes with what.
At this level of dining you may run into one of the new chummy waiters. Such a one will appear at your table and say “Hello. How are you tonight? My name is Steve. I’m going to be your waiter. I’d like to tell you about our specials.” After his speech is over, he will behave much more like a real waiter – disappearing when you want him most – than a friend. You are not expected to introduce yourselves to him.
Your soup or salad will be served before the main course. Presumably this is to keep you happy while you’re waiting. The drawback is that after bread and salad one is often too full to eat the rest of the meal. As large servings are a feature of family-style restaurants, you may want to ask for a “doggie bag” to take your leftovers home in. The waiter will whisk your plate away and bring back your dinner wrapped up – your next day’s lunch.
Family restaurants have a pleasant lack of pretension and reasonable prices, but do not attract gourmet eaters. A 15 % tip is sufficient, as in most restaurants.
Although Americans are consuming less alcohol than ever before, drinking still occupies a large role on the social stage. “Let’s meet for a drink” usually means let’s get together at a bar after work and before dinner, although such a thing can also be done after dinner.
Some bars serve food, but their primary stock is alcohol. The price of the same drink could vary from $1.00 in a down-and-out saloon to $6 in a mahogany-panelled room with a view. You won’t get a menu, but the bartender is supposed to know low to make almost any concoction you order. Mixed drinks (known as cocktails when consumed before dinner) have ringing names that suggest little about the ingredients: martinis, margaritas, Tom&Jerry’s, Bloody Mary’s. Some of the pack a wallop so it’s wise to find out what you’re imbibing. You may also order whisky neat (no ice), on the rocks (with ice), or in a highball (with ice and water in a tall glass).



Все молчат .... Наверно, над текстами работают  :rolleyes:



Да уж, завалила ты нас работкой по самое не хочу! Вот и молчим... :rolleyes:



скоро наши ученицы начнут в этом топе на английском изъяснться :)

представляю как им несладко. я от одного объема текста офигела, а им еще и перевести его надо:)



скоро наши ученицы начнут в этом топе на английском изъяснться :)

представляю как им несладко. я от одного объема текста офигела, а им еще и перевести его надо:)

А хорошая идея! Можно попытаться на англ. тут общаться. Все ошибки скидывать на инетовский сленг. ьи1*



Нда, грошь мне цена как методисту  щfg1 Убила у вас всякую мотивацию!

Не виноватая я, сканнер как трактор работает! *у1



Честно говоря, меня в самом деле объём напугал.  щfg1 Начала читать - вроде более-менее, но домашние отвлекли, я отложила это занятие на понедельник, когда Софка будет днем спать, а муж будет на работе.

А про сленг.. Давно думаю, что надо бы оригинальный англоязычный форум найти с тематикой интересной.
МамАня, может ты поищещь нам наших сверстников (в смысле - декабрят или около того) англоязычных? Вот было бы интересно почитать как они там растут. )))

Отредактировано ХатулЯ (2006-09-24 01:05:59)



Пара анекдотов. Решила тут, а не в приколах, потому как у нас вроде не все понимают английский.
Разговоры в иммиграционной службе. Первый:

--Mashkowitz, Shlomo
--115 Hayarkon, Tel Aviv, 63573, Israel
--No, only visiting.

Второй пошлый.

- Name?
- Abu Dalah Sarafi.
- Sex?
- Four times a week.
- No, no, no... male or female?
- Male, female... sometimes camel.



Пошлый очень понравился  *л1



Сама уржалась с него. ) Муж рассказал.



Мне оба понравились *л1



Вот ведь - английский по анекдотам такое приятное занятие. ))))



Вот ведь - английский по анекдотам такое приятное занятие. ))))

Так и я к вам присоединюсь *ы1 переборов, наконец, свою лень  13rr



Пара анекдотов. Решила тут, а не в приколах, потому как у нас вроде не все понимают английский.
Разговоры в иммиграционной службе. Первый:

--Mashkowitz, Shlomo
--115 Hayarkon, Tel Aviv, 63573, Israel
--No, only visiting.

Второй пошлый.

- Name?
- Abu Dalah Sarafi.
- Sex?
- Four times a week.
- No, no, no... male or female?
- Male, female... sometimes camel.

Класс! Все просто и ясно... а главное ржачно *л1



Еще один рассказик, из веселеньких и коротеньких.  Для усиления мотивации  :rolleyes:

Mrs Hammond was old and blind, but she was determined to do everything for herself. She even used to go for walks alone from her cottage once a day for exercise and fresh air, and found her way by touching things with her white stick. She learnt where everything was, so she never lost her way.
But then one day some men came and cut down some of the familiar pine trees at the side of one of the paths which she followed. When she reached that place that evening, she did not feel the trees with her stick, so she was in difficulties.
She stopped for a minute and listened, but she did not hear any other people, so she went ahead for a kilometre or two, and then she heard water beneath her.
"Water?" she said aloud, and paused. "Am I lost? I suppose so. I must be on a bridge, I suppose, and there must be a river under me. I've been told that there's a river in this part of the country, but I don't know its exact position. How am I going to get back to my cottage from here?"
All at once she heard a man's friendly voice near her. It said, "Excuse me, can I help you?"
"How kind of you!" Mrs Hammond answered. "Yes, please. I'm lost. Some of the trees which I follow when I go for my walk every evening had been removed today, and if I hadn't been lucky enough to come across you, I don't know what I'd have done. Can you please help me to get home?"
"Certainly,"  the  man  answered.   "Where  do  you  live?"
Mrs Hammond told him, and they began walking. The man took Mrs Hammond to her cottage, and she invited him in and gave him some coffee and a piece of cake. She told the man how grateful she was that she had met him.
"Don't thank me," he answered. "I want to thank you."
"Thank me?" Mrs Hammond said. "Whatever for?"
"Well," the man answered quietly, "I was balanced on the edge of that bridge for ages in the dark, because I was trying to make up my mind to throw myself into the river and drown myself. But I'm not going to do it now."



Прочитала, спасибо. Текст легкий, в самый раз. А про семью что-то никак не возьмусь. ((

ВасиЛиса, вот тут множно что-нибудь выбрать:

Офф: Василиса, а ты прекрасная или премудрая?

Отредактировано ХатулЯ (2006-09-27 13:51:42)



Прочитала, спасиюл. Текст легкий, в самый раз. А про семью что-то никак не возьмусь. ((

ВасиЛиса, вот тут множно что-нибудь выбрать:

Офф: Василиса, а ты прекрасная или премудрая?

Прекрасномудрая я... то есть- скроооомная. *н1



Ритка идею подала скачать в и-нете диск с английским совсем простой и слушать фоном. Так фразы хорошо запоминаются. Сейчас нашла в локалке "Английский за рулем", качаю. Посмотрю что такое.



Анекдоты на английском. Честно говоря, мне это просмотреть вообще не по силам. Там что предлагаю кому не лень заглядывать и что понравится - постить здесь.

Some good jokes about religion

This is a site of religious people who have once in a while very good decent "clean" jokes which can be told to any company.

Отредактировано ХатулЯ (2006-09-27 14:46:51)



Василиса, вот эта статья как тебе:

Сразу к МамАне вопрос: что может значит слово rambunctiousness?

Отредактировано ХатулЯ (2006-09-27 18:39:37)



Василиса, вот эта статья как тебе:

Сразу к МамАне вопрос: что может значит слово rambunctiousness?

Ок, почитаем, интересно... Очень много незнакомых слов и словосочетаний, но терпимо, тема интересная. Я тоже проглядела статьи на этом сайте, пока не выбрала что либо.

Про слепую старушку прочла, все поняла по контексту, но подозреваю, что без скурпулезной работы такое чтение бессмысленно. Как думаешь, Хатуля? У тебя правда повыше уровень, мне кажется, по твоим высказываниям.

Я вообще-то могу очень грамотно читать и даже акцент у меня неплохой, тексты понимаю если не полностью, то по контексту догадаюсь... А вот с пониманием речи и разговором- проблемы большие, а как раз это то, что нужно. Вот хочу поискать в нете документальные фильмы на ингл. по разным тематикам, у нас уже есть парочка, но в основном много с дубляжом по русски. Надо много слушать, а нет где, и кабельного нет, отключили. Про разговаривать я вообще молчу, только с собой самой  :blink:  любимой.

Ну а как там Англ. за рулем, стоящая вещь?



Английский за рулем - пожалуй, полезно послушать. Там простейшие вещи. И большей частью слово и его перевод, потом фраза - перевод, потом несколько предложений и перевод. Так что включаю, слушаю. Он на 4-х дисках, я скачала и первый прослушала вчера. Не скажу, что много нового узнала. Но разбирать на слух знакомые вещи тоже полезно.

Наверное, у меня в самом деле чуть выше уроверь - про слепую старушку я легко прочитала и все незнакомые слова посмотрела (их не много было). Думаю, даже без этого читать и понимать - догадываться о чем там полезно.

Честно говоря, говорить я даже не пробовала никогда. ( Ну, в школе что-то из себя выдавливала, в институте даже экзамен сдала - там надо было несколько текстов выучить и рассказать, прочитать медицинский текст (а там же латынь сплошная, так что понятно и без английского)). На слух очень плохо понимаю - в речи буквально отдельные слова и фразы успеваю расслышать. И это все не слишком радостно. (



Да, и я считаю, что время от времени полезно перевести текст полностью на русский письменно. Такая работа сильно отличается от просто читать и понимать, да и запоминается потом больше. Но очень уж лень себя заставить. (




В принципе, просмотрев сейчас текст в поиске незнакомых или забытых и непонятных слов, я выделила только эти, немного совсем, почему-то вчера мне показалось, что это многовато.
Кстати, классно, что я это сделала, сейчас же переведу и перечитаю текст еще раз уже обращая внимание, запомнила ли я эти слова.



Не, ВасиЛиса, мой уровень английского не выше твоего. )) Практически те же слова не поняла, думаю, даже больше. У меня есть такая проблема: я часто вижу слово, знаю, что я его знаю, но не могу вспомнить. Или начинаю сомневаться, что понимаю его правильно и снова в словаре смотрю. Запоминанию это как-то не способствует. ) Тут как раз помогает чтение как можно больше текстов просто на понимание.



Бросаю здесь перевод для удобства.

determined  - определять, устанавливать, решать, решаться
familiar - хорошо знающий, осведомленный (with), хорошо известный, обычный
pine  - чахнуть, томиться...сосна
paths - тропинка, дорожка, путь
reached - протягивать, вытягивать, доставать, достигать
beneath  - под, ниже, внизу
grateful - благодарный
quietly - спокойно, тихо
edge  - край, ребро
throw - бросать, кидать
drown - тонуть, топиться


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